I decided to challenge myself. The challenge is to write every day at least 20 to 30 minutes. I’m pretty motivated to do this but haven’t always been. If you want to (or need to) write and have no topic, no motivation, or are only writing out of boredom, don’t worry. I’ve been there and I’m gonna give you what to write about when bored.
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Table of Contents
If you’ve followed me or have visited my site before you will know that I am a writer. I love writing, I have always loved writing and I believe always will. Yet, there was a time when I was not able to write and it wasn’t because I was bored… it was because
When I was pregnant with my first son, my mind changed. In many ways, I thought differently, but the saddest part for me was that God allowed a type of writer’s block. I believe now it may have been related to hormones because mine went into chaos mode.
I couldn’t think deeply enough to write my stories anymore. It wasn’t because I was bored. In fact, I was sick, very sick during my whole pregnancy. I was also alone, but not completely alone. My husband, the author, was there.
We met as writers through a journaling website and we thought that we would both become authors and start a publishing company. We never did.
As soon as I was pregnant I lost the motivation (the insight and desire) to write stories like I had always loved to do. Although I knew God allowed this, I prayed for writing to return to me. But after years of dryness, I put away my pen.
Fortunately, I still knew how to journal, (it helped when I was bored) but even that was far and in between. The only desire I had for writing, beyond journaling, began 5 years later.
More and more I wanted to start a blog, but I just couldn’t write. I had lost some of my skill for writing, but mostly, being a mom meant my focused time was with the kids.
Fast forward a few more years and I was finally able to start writing again! It came on almost suddenly. I wanted to write, like usual, but I wasn’t frustrated or blocked and actually truly desired it and could put pen to paper. I probably could even do character profiles but my desire had changed to blogging (although I have written a book for moms).
I’ve wanted to blog for such a long time but now I didn’t know what to write. I had to kinda learn to write again, but it’s mostly non-fiction. My husband is all about fantasy and science fiction if you are interested in that.
However, fiction or non-fiction, in this post I want to give you ideas of what YOU can write if you’re unmotivated, trying to get back into writing or are trying to fill up time and just don’t know what to write about when you’re bored.
A list of hilarious excuses for being late.
A detailed plan for the ultimate prank on your friends.
What you would do if you took over the world?
Write where would you go if you had a time machine
A diary entry from the perspective of a misunderstood villain.
A compilation of funny and clever puns
A letter to your future self, imagining where you’ll be in 10 years.
A funny script for a fake infomercial selling an absurd product.
An article discussing the possibility of parallel universes.
A plan of how to build an internal library in your home with a secret passageway
A list of comebacks for rude comments
A list of riddles and their solutions.
Write which chore you dread doing and what you could do to make it easier to handle.
A note about your most embarrassing moment and what you learned from it.
Your favorite teacher and why
A letter to a distant relative
A collection of witty and humorous tweets/texts
All your favorites
Current activities and hobbies
Future activities and hobbies
A short play about a superhero and a supervillain who become unlikely friends.
A letter to your favorite fictional character, expressing your admiration or asking for advice.
Plans for a blog
An inventory of what’s in your bathroom or bedroom
Copy down recipes you’d like to cook that fits your list (or the other way around)
A guide on how to survive an awkward situation.
Write plans for a video game or board game
A review of a book, movie, or TV show
A list of crazy things you’d like to try
Your own personal game of Would You Rather…?
Do you think having a lot of money is really a good thing? Why or why not?
A letter to your friend, relative, co-worker, neighbor
A memoir of a recent family vacation or holiday celebration.
A guide about your favorite topic or hobby
A review of the last restaurant you visited
List what to write when bored! (maybe also what to do when bored)
An exercise or fitness routine
A profile of your favorite kpop group members
Your thoughts on sustainable living.
Your thoughts on your job, your community or your school
A guide to how to play your favorite game
Your firsthand POV of a party, festival or concert you went to
The last place (or first place) you have gone on a road trip to and your thoughts of it
A review of a technology gadget or app that is super interesting to you
Write down family traditions.
Make notes of things you do in the house, homemaking or a homemaking website
Write notes from the last autobiography or biography you read or watched
Everything you can remember about your country’s history
A gratitude list
Your family tree
How would you deal with the loss of a loved one?
Your favorite animals and why they are fascinating
A guide to fun and educational science experiments that can be done at home.
Ideas of how you can help, serve and encourage others
Landmarks you’d like to visit
A guide for your favorite sport, the rules, famous players, etc.
What could you sell to make money
A trivia game about a topic you know a lot about
A report on the incredible journeys of migratory animals and their long-distance travels.
A step-by-step tutorial on creating art or crafts using everyday household items.
Everything you know about another culture other than yours
Inventory list of all your books
Everything about your favorite instrument
A collection of fun recipes that kids can try out.
A story where every character has superpowers.
A guidebook for surviving a zombie apocalypse.
A short story about a magical bookstore that transports readers into the books they’re reading.
Grab a dictionary or use an online one. Pick a random word. Create a story using the word.
Describe your dream vacation, where you’d go, what you’d do, and who you’d take along with you.
A persuasive speech arguing for the existence of mythical creatures.
What life would be like if you lived on the moon, alone.
If you had a lazy day, what would you do?
A story about living underwater
Your experience doing a 100 countries in 100 days trip.
What the future looks like
You stumble across a closed door. Create a story about what’s behind that door.
Think about your favorite story. Then, rewrite that story in your own words from your point of view.
Write what you think a bunny, squirrel, or other woodland animal is doing.
The names of all the friends you’ve ever had.
Write about how you think other people view you.
A music playlist of songs and singers
If you could go back in your past and change one thing, what would it be? Why?
Favorite flavors of candy or ice cream
Pick up a magazine, book or go to a website like Barnes and Noble. Find a random page, look at the picture, and write a story about it
The names of everyone you have ever known!
Here are some random things to write about when you’re bored:
Make a list of “name something that is ____”
Plans of how you will divide your money
A list of your favorite foods
A list of your top favorite movies and why
Write everything you know about socks
A bucket list of adventures to go on
Your ideal schedule
A list of rhyming words
A profile of your husband or future husband
I’ve got them. Just visit my tag on how to fill an empty notebook! You can also get a bunch of journaling prompts (and cute printables) right here to learn more about what to write about when bored.
People write lists, memoirs, memos, emails, notes, letters, contracts, blog posts. In these they write jokes, stories, riddles, reminders, educational essays, directions, favorites and bucket lists.
What to write about today?How you feel, what happened, what you like, things to remember, gratitude and notes of thanks. You can also write the weather.
What can I write about every day?I have a very cool (free) downloadable printable for what to write about for 365 days. It’s a walk through the seasons of momlife, but honestly, most anyone could get some ideas from it.
How do I find unique topics?I’m so glad you asked 😉 If you are looking for things to write about for fun in a lined notebook, visit my post 19 Unique Ideas, Cute Things to Do in a Notebook