Withdraw from the University

If you need to withdraw from the university and cancel your classes for a semester or more, consult the General Information Catalog for policies and procedures on how to withdraw.

Withdraw, Cancel Registration, or Take a Break (Undergraduate Students)

Before Registration

If you do not plan to return the next semester, you do not need to register for courses. It’s always recommended to share your plans with your academic advisor.

Before/After Tuition Bills are Distributed

Drop all your courses during a registration period or cancel your registration online by following the directions on Cancel My Registration.

If you have made a payment on your tuition bill, then a refund will be sent to you. Please contact Texas One Stop for more information.

Before the First Day of Classes

Visit your college’s advising office to start the cancellation process to withdraw from classes. If you receive financial aid, please consult with Texas One Stop before submitting your cancellation request.

Before the Mid-Semester Deadline

You must meet with your academic advisor if you want to withdraw from the university for any reason after classes begin but before the mid-semester deadline (or before the last class day of your summer session). If you do this before the 20th class day (7th class day in the summer), you will be refunded a portion of your tuition.

If you receive financial aid, talk with a counselor at the Texas One Stop. If you are an international student, you must take your withdrawal form to Texas Global for approval. If you are on scholastic probation and withdraw from the university after the first four weeks of classes, you may be subject to academic dismissal.

After the Mid-Semester Deadline

You must meet with your academic advisor to discuss the two options for a withdrawal at this point in the semester.

The first option is to use your One Time Exception to withdraw if you have not already done so. Otherwise, you must have an urgent and substantiated nonacademic reason for wanting to withdraw. To begin the withdrawal process, you will need to meet with your academic advisor.

International Students

You will need to take the cancellation form to the Texas Global for approval. Please contact Texas Global directly for more information.

Returning After Withdrawal

If you withdraw after a semester has begun, you can return to the university the next semester and do not need to apply for readmission. If you withdraw before a semester begins or plan to return to the University after the next semester, you will need to follow the directions for returning students.

For more details about withdrawal policies and procedures, see the General Information Catalog.

Withdrawal for Graduate Students

A graduate student in good standing may withdraw with the approval of the graduate dean through the last class day of the semester. A graduate student who is in warning status may not withdraw without the recommendation of the graduate advisor and the approval of the graduate dean. Learn more about withdrawing for graduate students.

Returning After an Absence

If you have been away for at least one fall or spring semester, contact the Office of Admissions to apply for readmission. After you have been readmitted, you may register during specific registration access periods. If you are an undergraduate student, see Readmission for Former Students in the General Information Catalog for more information regarding readmission of former students. If you are a graduate student, see Graduate Readmission for more information.