A+ One-Act Play FAQs

Do we have to follow all the rules? Yes and No. 1044(b)(2) of the Constitution and Contest Rules (C&CR) dictates that "schools will produce a play in strict accordance to the rules and regulations in the current One-Act Play Handbook and Sections 1033 and 1034." However, there are some exceptions that are listed under 1044(b)(2)(A-C) of the C&CR. How do we enroll? Enrollment cards are not required for junior high. The procedures for enrolling are determined by your district executive committee. Do we have to submit a title card? No. Does our play have to be approved? If your title is on the approved lists, you do not need approval. If it is not, follow the procedures under Section 1033(c)(I)(A) of the C&CR. Do we have to use a judge from the list? Yes. The judge list is found here. May we use ratings instead of rankings? No. The rules require that plays be ranked 1-3. Can we give out awards for Best Supporting Actor and Actress? No. How many schools need to participate to schedule a contest? Three. If you do not have enough, you may combine wtih schools from different districts to have a contest. Each school takes their points back to their "home" district. How do we get contest materials? Materials for this contest are downloadable online. Can the critiques be done at a later date? The critiques must be public and done immediately after the awards presentation.