We are so glad you're applying to the College of Charleston! We'll help answer your questions and make sure you're prepared. Let's go!
Once you identify what type of application to submit, the application process is quick and easy. Apply using the College of Charleston application or on the Common app.
Student Types
Are you unsure whether you should apply as a first-year student, a transfer student, second-degree applicant or readmit student? Check out the descriptions below to see where you fit.
- Not yet graduated from high school, or earned my GED, or I am taking a post-graduate (fifth) year of high school.
- Not taken any college classes between the time I graduated, earned my GED, or took a post-graduate year and now.
Note: If you took college courses while still in high school (dual-enrollment), you are still considered a first-year applicant.
- Earned an associate’s degree but not a bachelor’s degree.
- Taken any college classes since I graduated from high school, earned a GED or completed a post-graduate year of high school.
- Earned a bachelor's degree and am seeking a master's degree or graduate certificate.
- If I was previously enrolled at the College of Charleston as a degree-seeking student – either as a first-year student or transfer student.
Note: The application review process and deadlines will vary depending on the cumulative GPA we have on record for the last term during which you were enrolled at the College.
- International First-Year Student: If you are entering university directly after secondary school.
Please visit our International Admission page for more informaiton on how to apply as an international student.

Thank you for your service. As a veteran or military student, you may have several options for applying for admission:
Transfer Application: Most military and veteran students apply to the College of Charleston as transfer students by transferring credits from the Joint Services Transcript (JST), Community College of the Air Force, or other colleges or univerisities.
For more information on how we can help you in the enrollment process, please visit our Military & Veterans page.
If you wish to enroll in undergraduate courses but do not intend to seek a degree, apply as a non-degree student. Non-degree applicants may include visitng students, dual enrollment high school students and 60+ tuition exempt program students. Learn More About Non-Degree Admission

Honors College
What does an Honors College student look like? You! If you're bright, highly motivated and intellectually curious, you should consider applying to the Honors College.