University of Akron admissions deadlines

Four students walk on campus while discussing The University of Akron admissions process.

The table below shows deadlines if you want to start in the fall.

Lower on this page are deadlines for spring (January) or summer (June) starts.

Target date for completion of the loan process.
Accept loan.
Complete master promissory note.
Complete entrance interview.

Deadline for students who want to start next spring (January)

Admission and confirmation fee payment deadline, meaning your application, application fee, transcript and other required items submitted for admission review and decision, and your confirmation fee payment submitted, Dec. 20.

Oct. 15 - College Credit Plus (Postsecondary Enrollment Options Program) admission deadline for spring semester.

Deadlines for students who want to start next summer (June)

Admission deadline, meaning your transcript, application fee and other required items submitted for admission review and decision, May 1.

Confirmation fee payment deadline, May 15.

Semester start dates

Spring semester 2025: Monday, Jan. 13

Summer semester 2025: Monday, May 19

Fall semester 2025: Monday, Aug. 25